Friday, 19 August 2016

The characteristics of the female betta fish

The characteristics of the female betta fish

Many people are still confused between the male betta fish with female betta fish. In fact, very easy to distinguish. Okay, for the uninitiated difference, please read this post until the finish.

What are the characteristics of the female and male betta fish?

  • Betta fish female has a short tail
Basically the female Betta fish have a short tail, unlike the males have long tails and beautiful. Why male fish has a long tail and beautiful? This long tail function to attract females, the better stud tail of the female is getting interested. But you must be able to distinguish between male betta with Betta fish fighter, because the male betta fighter has a short tail as well. For more details, please read the post: Betta Fish Fighter.

The characteristics of the female Betta Fish

The characteristics of the female Betta Fish
(This is not a female, but the male types of fighter)

The tail is a characteristic that most distinguishes, for more details please refer to the following picture.
  • Female betta fish's fins are shorter than males
Female betta fish is short fin, in contrast to males who have long fins, the fin length means the better the quality stud. Even long-fin can exceed the length of its body. The characteristics of a good stud ika Hickey one of which has a long fin, neat, not cracked and pointy. For more details, please see the picture below :

The characteristics of the female Betta Fish

The characteristics of the female Betta Fish

  • Female body color is not bright
Unlike the male, the male has a body color that is bright and beautiful. Body color females tend to intervene and not bright.
  • Males are more aggressive than females
The next characteristic feature is, males have an aggressive nature compared to females, males will look aggresive if the area being disturbed by other fish.

Okay, that is The characteristics of the female betta fish.
If you want ask about betta fish, you can ask in the forum or comment below.

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