How to Cultivation of Betta Fish
Betta fish lovers every day is increasing, this is caused because the breeders continue to conduct experiments to get the best quality betta fish species. They had continued to experiment, because they know betta fish have quite high resale value. As an example of this one breeder, see the video!
The more lovers betta fish, therefore I will give a tutorial Raising Betta fish or how to marry the betta fish properly. Because many who do not know how to breed betta fish from the mating process to spawn and become a child of betta fish.
Tutorial how to cultivation of betta fish (100% success)
- Prepare aquarium as pictured below
- Fill with water, about 8-12cm
- Put water plants, such as Pistia stratiotes (what it Pistia stratiotes ? Please read How to cope the fall out tail of betta fish)
- Select Large sized males than females (for more details, please read in the post about Characteristics Males and females are ready to mate)
- Have a minimum age of 4-5 months.
- Can make bubbles to place eggs
- Agency should be bigger and will have more fierce than females
The characteristics of the females that are ready mate
- Minimal been aged 4-5 months
- In the abdomen look bloated or fat, it looks like there is an egg white
- In parts of the body, such as a white line
- Put the male to the aquarium
- Females do not put into the aquarium, but put into smaller containers (look like the picture below)
(It is intended that the males and females recognize each other)
- Close on the top of the aquarium (do not forget given air holes)
- Wait until 1-2 days, until the bubble is already a lot of
- Take female, then mixed with the male in the aquarium
(Mixing process)
- Wait until 1-12 hours after mixed male will chase the female with the movement attracted attention.
- Attention: female fins would be damaged, but it was not an important issue not too severe
- It is the mating process
The male will embrace the female, then the male will take the eggs. Then the eggs will be put in a bubble. (In this process not being disturbed !!!) This process can be recorded using your phone or camera (so as not to interfere in the process of mating)
- Note, if an egg is already in a bubble? use a flashlight to see it. then the male will always keep their eggs.
- If the mating process has been completed and the eggs are already in a bubble then move the female. It is intended that the female does not eat eggs
- The eggs will begin to hatch within 36-48 hours
- When it hatches, do not remove male. It is intended that the baby betta fish remains guarded by males.
- Move male when the baby betta fish 3 days old
Okay, it is the process of Hpw to cultivation of betta fish. if you want ask about all betta fish, please ask in forum or comment below.
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