Characteristics Males and females are ready to mate
Now betta fish to be excellent, both in adults, adolescents and children. Many people who cultivate betta fish, but many also fail because they do not understand. Before we want to cultivate betta fish, we have to know the male and female is ready to mate. If we do not know this, the process of marriage will fail. Therefore note steps below.
Before we make the process of marriage, we must know that males and females are ready to mate. It will affect percentage of success in the process of mating.
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The Characteristic Males is Ready to Mating
Many people are wrong in this case, this is the key to a successful mating betta fish. 5 months of age is the right age for a male betta fish, because the reproductive age of 5 months betta fish is ready to reproduction. Actually ages 3-4 also can be, but the percentage of success may be only 60%. So if you want to succeed better already 5 months old.
- Males must be larger than the females
When he wants to mate betta fish, we have to choose a male who has a great body of the female. Why ??? since the female Betta fish mating jiga be very aggressive, so we need a big mal. Besides the selection of large males have a goal that at the time of mating, the male can embrace the entire female body.
(Male and Fimale is suitable)
- Males will perform movements attract attention
After the election of the male, then we put betta fish in a container. It aims to approach between males and females, or called courtship. If males feel happy, you can see if a male approaches the female or not, if it approaches the female to draw attention to the movement, then the male like the female. If the movement remains highly aggressive males, mean the male is not like the female.
- Males will create a bubble or place egg
If the process of mixing between males and females has been done and the results match, then wait until one night. After one night then you can see, if a male makes foam or the house where the egg? if so, then it means that males and females are ready to inbred.
- Is there a female who injury
The process of mixing for 1 day is intended that the males and females recognize each other and approach, but if the result is the female becomes injured or his many injuries, meaning the female is not ready for inbred. If you like it then immediately pisahakan between males and females, because if not separated females will die. If the female is still normal conditions as before, then the female and male siapp for inbred.
If all the above steps are already done, means the betta fish is ready for inbred. Percentage of success reaches 95-100% if the step has been done correctly. Do not rush to wed betta fish if not time.
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