Friday, 25 November 2016

UKM Apa Saja Sih Yang Ada di Universitas Airlangga ?

UKM Apa Saja Sih Yang Ada di Universitas Airlangga ?

UKM Apa Saja Sih Yang Ada di Universitas Airlangga ?

Selamat pagi, siang dan malem dimanapun anda berada, oke pada kesempatan ini gue mau kenalin ni sama kamu-kamu yang mau masuk Universitas terkenal di pulau jawa belahan timur, yap jawa timur. Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan nama besar Universitas Airlangga, yang biasa di panggil UNAIR. Universitas ini termasuk jajaran universitas bonafit di indonesia. Untuk temen-temen SMA yang bentar lagi mau lulus sekolah, kampus ini bisa jadi referensi kalian untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi. 
Sesuai judul, kali ini aku akan membahas tentang UKM (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa) yang ada di UNAIR (yang aku tau aja ya hehe). Oiya bagi kalian yang baru kuliah, UKM ini insyaAllah bermanfaat buat kalian, biar gak jadi mahasiswa Kupu-kupu (kuliah-pulang, kuliah-pulang 😄). Aku sendiri meraskan sendiri, ketika awal-awal kuliah, aku merasa jenuh karena gak ada kegiatan selain kuliah, kejaannya cuma kuliah-kos, kuliah-kos, enak sih, tapi bosen sendiri lama-lama, akhirnya aku memutuskna untuk mengikuti salah satu UKM kampus, apalagi UKM tersebut termasuk hobi ku, jadi tambah semangat deh hehe.
Oke kembali ke pembahasan, Apa aja sih UKM yang ada di UNAIR ? yuk kita bahas bareng-bareng

Unit Kegiatan di kampus UNAIR di bagi menjadi 7 bagian, yang pertama ada : Sport Clubs, Special Clubs, Religion Clubs, Arts Clubs dan Martial Arts Clubs. Oke kita bahas satu persatu.

1. UKM Olahraga (Sport Clubs)

Bagi temen-temen yang suka olahraga atau memiliki kelebihan di bidang olahraga, misal jago main bulu tangkis, bola dll nya, temen-temen bisa gabung ni di UKM ini. Di Sport Clubs ini ada 5 cabang olahraga , di antaranya :

UKM Apa Saja Sih Yang Ada di Universitas Airlangga ?
Campus Corner Channel
  • Volly Ball
  • Tennis
  • Badmintoon
  • Bridge
  • Soccer
  • Basket Ball
  • Soft Ball
Oke itu adalah UKM olahraga yang ada di kampus UNAIR.

2. UKM Special Clubs

Untuk UKM yang kedua ini, di bagi menjadi 6 cabang, di antaranya :

UKM Apa Saja Sih Yang Ada di Universitas Airlangga ?
  • Pramuka
  • Resimen Mahasiswa
  • Penalaran (Logical Thunking Club)
  • Wanala (Nature Adventur Club)
  • Mapanza (Anti-Drug Campaign Club)
  • KSR PMI (Indonesian Red Cross Volunteers Club University Chapter)
3. UKM Keagamaan (Religion Club)

Di Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa yang berhubungan dengan agama ini di bagi menjadi 5, yaitu :

UKM Apa Saja Sih Yang Ada di Universitas Airlangga ?
  • UKMKI (Kerohanian Islam)
  • UKMKKR (Christianity)
  • UKMKK (Kerohanian Katolik)
  • UKMKHD (Hinduism)
  • UKMKB (Buddhism)
Oke itu 5 UKM di bidang keagamaan. Jika temen-temen minat, silahkan temen-temen masuk sesuai kepercayaan masing-masing.

4. UKM Kesenian (Arts Clubs)

Yang memiliki jiwa seni, gak ada salahnya coba liat-liat UKM seni di kampus UNAIR, siapa tau ada yang tertarik untuk gabung. Di Arts Clubs ada 6 cabang, di antaranya :

UKM Apa Saja Sih Yang Ada di Universitas Airlangga ?
  • UKTK (Indonesia Traditional Dance and Music Club)
  • Theater 
  • Cinematography
  • APS ( Airlangga Photography Society)
  • Universitas Airlangga Choir
  • Airlangga Chamber Orchestra
5. Martial Arts Clubs (UKM Bela Diri)

Kalian yang suka bela diri, UKM ini cocok buat kalian untuk mengembangkan kemampuan bela diri kalian, yuk kita tengok, bela diri apa saja yanga ada di kampus UNAIR ini.

UKM Apa Saja Sih Yang Ada di Universitas Airlangga ?
  • PSHT (Persatuan Setia Hati Terate)
  • Tapak Suci
  • Merpati Putih
  • Perisai Diri
  • Kempo
  • Jujitsu
  • Taekwondo
Gimana, luamayan banyak juga kan bela diri yang ada di kampus UNAIR

Oke itu adalah Unit Kegiatan yang ada di Universitas Airlangga yang aku tau, kalo ada yang ketinggalan silahkan cek langsung di UKM Unair, untuk detailnya silahkan bisa kunjungi di 
Kalo menurutku UKM ini bisa menjadi alternatif untuk mengembangkan bakat kita, sehingga bakat kita tidak hilang begitu saja tetapi bisa lebih kita kembangkan lagi. Selamat pilih memilih UKM nya 😃

Saturday, 10 September 2016

How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

Betta fish have a beautiful tail, therefore many betta fish lover in the world. That is the uniqueness of betta fish. Besides having a beautiful tail shape, betta fish also have a many color. There is a color red, white, blue, black, green, orange and etc. Betta fish are very suitable for garnish in your aquarium. For you who have not have betta fish, I think you must buy betta fish. I've cultivating of betta fish and success. For a post about How to cultivate betta fish, I will make on the next post.
Previoud post : Betta Fish of Type Crown Tail or Serit

To care for the tail to keep it beautiful it was quite easy. In addition to care for the tail to keep it beautiful, I will also give tips fora Betta fish color is always bright and beautiful. Let's go to my tips.

How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

  • Give the leaves Ketapang (in Indonesian) or almond bengal (in english)
If you do not know what it leaves ketapang or bengal almond, please read my post about : How to Preparation Betta Fish Before Contest

After ketapang leaves or bengal almond your input into the aquarium, then the water will turn brown. This effect of leaf Katapang. Katapang leaves or bengal almond will give a substance that makes the colors and tail betta back to normal. In addition, the color of betta fish more a beautiful.

Remember, you give a dried leaves.
How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

effect after being given the leaves ketapang or bengal almond
How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

  • Replace ketapan leaves, if ketapang leaves have been damaged or deteriorate
After the ketapang leaves is deteriorate or damaged, replace water and replace also katapang leave with a new katapang leaves. This usually occurs after 2 weeks or more. 
  • Feed the worms or mosquito larvae
Do not always feed pellets of fish, because it is not good. Besides causing the water will be dirty, water will into the odor. Example feed for betta fish : silk worm, mosquito larvae, fish eggs, and so forth. Food aims to improve the nutrition and vitamins

this is a photos of silk worm
How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

this is a photos of  mosquito larvae
How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

  •  Give a hydrophyte
These plants will beautify and purify water. Examples of the water plant as shown below :

How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

In Indonesia called Apu-apu plants (inPistia stratiotes). These plants often encountered in the lake or river. This plant is famous as an aquarium plant. Apu-apu (Pistia stratiotes) serves to absorb metals in waste water.
P. stratiotes

Pistia stratiotes
How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

  • Separate Betta fish with other Betta fish

It aims to betta fish more aggressive. If the betta fish is often mixed or see each other, betta fish wil become limp. 
  • Betta Fish would be beautiful and the color is more beautiful
If the above steps you've done, fish tail will become more normal and beautiful. This is what I do when I cultivate betta fish.

How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective

thank you for reading about How to Curing Betta Fish Tails Damaged Or Defective. If you want ask about betta fish, you can ask in forum betta fish community or comment below.

Betta Fish of Type Crown Tail or Serit

Betta Fish of Type Crown Tail or Serit

This types originated from Indonesia, this type is the result of cross-breeding done by breeders Indonesian. Betta fish was first cultivated by Ahmad Yusuf or often on call Yus. But the results have not been up, there are still a lot of damage to the tail. This Betta fish is very beautiful when angry. Betta fish will show a beautiful tail when angry.

A breeder from Indonesia named Juliani or often called Koh Asiung, successfully developed a betta fish of this types, and the results are quite significant. Tail shape more neat and beautiful. Finally enthusiasts Crown Tail Betta fish types is increasing.

Type of Crown Tail or serit

  • Single Serit

The first type is, the type with single crowntail. This species has been rarely found, because a lot of the newer types. The characteristics of the type of single crowntail is, has one crown tail

  • Double Ray Crown tail

The second type is Double ray crown tail. Betta fish of this types are quite popular among lovers of betta fish. Betta fish types is very easy to find and suitable to decorative fish. Double crown tail ray ray has a tail like the letter V.

  • Double Double Ray (DDR) or 4 Serit (4 crown tail)

Betta fish of this type has rarely we find, because it is usually the tail broken. Other than that, betta fish this type not suitable for contest.

  • Double Double Double Ray (DDR) or 8 Serit

This type has the 8 crown tail or serit with size same. Betta fish this type is suitable for contest.

  • Betta Fish King Crown Tail

This type is nearly the same as the type double ray, the difference is Arch shape tail.

Photo collection of Betta fish Crown Tail

Betta Fish of Type Crown Tail or Serit

Betta Fish of Type Crown Tail or Serit

Betta Fish of Type Crown Tail or Serit

Betta Fish of Type Crown Tail or Serit

Betta Fish of Type Crown Tail or Serit

Betta Fish of Type Crown Tail or Serit

Betta Fish of Type Crown Tail or Serit

Okay, it is Betta Fish of Type Crown Tail or Serit. Wait for the other recent post about all betta fish.

How to Preparation Betta Fish Before Contest

How to Preparation Betta Fish Before Contest

How to Preparation Betta Fish Before Contest

On this post we will discussion about Preparing Betta Fish Before Contest. For Betta fish lovers, prepare betta fish before contest is very important. because, will be determine win. One of  them is :
healt of fish, the colour of fish, motion of fish and etc. Oke, let go to the tutorial how to preparation betta fish before The Contes.

  • Betta fish separated from the betta fish others.
How to Preparation Betta Fish Before Contest

is intended that betta fish is not disturbed by other hickey. Moreover, the betta fish more aggressive when looking at opponents moment of the contest. You can put betta fish in jar or others. This is done 3-5 days before contest. 

  • Given a leaft "Ketapang (in Indonesian)" or  bengal almond leaf
The Secondly, you given the ketapang leaft or bengal almond leaf. The purpose of giving leaves ketapang or bengal almond leaft is :

  1. Leaves ketapang of bengal almond leaft make colors betta fish tail more beautiful.
  2. In the leaves ketapang or bengal almond, there are substances that are good for the health of the  betta fish
  3. Can recover defective or damaged the tail of betta fish
  4. Make water more health
(photos of young leaves)
How to Preparation Betta Fish Before Contest

(You select an old leaf)
How to Preparation Betta Fish Before Contest

Scientific Classification Of Ketapang (name in indonesia) or Bengal Almond (name in English)

T. Catappa

Vernacular names
It is known as Laal Badam in Pakistan, Singapore almond Louze in Bahrain, Badam in Yamein, Katapang in malaysia and Indonesia, Ebelebo in Nigeria, Abrofo nkatie and etc.

after given ketapang leaves or bengal almond , then the water will changed brown (look at the picture below)

How to Preparation Betta Fish Before Contest

  • Feed with a silk worms

The third, feed the silk worms. The silk worms is very good for betta fish nutrition. Many proteins in the silk worms. This is the best food for betta fish.
Nitrient of the silk worms :
- Protein = 57%
- fat = 13.3%
- fiber content = 2.04%

(Photos of silk worms)
How to Preparation Betta Fish Before Contest

  • After 3-4 days in quarantine, betta fish is ready for the contest and is ready to become a champion.
Okay, it is How to Preparation Betta Fish Before Contest.  Wait for the other recent posts about all betta fish.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Nutrient content worm silk is Good For Betta Fish

Nutrient content worm silk is Good For Betta Fish

The food quality, will affect of betta fish. Therefore, we as a betta fish lovers, should know what foods are good for growth betta fish. One of the good food for betta fish is worm silk. Worm silk contain many nutrient.

Nutrient content worm silk is Good For Betta Fish

Classification and Morphology Silk Worms

Tubifex worms often called a silk worm, silk worms classification according Gusrina (2008) is :

Tubifex sp.

The characteristics of the silk worms

The silk worms are classified in the group of nematodes, the characteristics of the silk worm is the body shape that is very soft and small. Very soft silk worms body such as hair. Silk worms live in colonies. Gill shape silk worms are very thin and small. Because he was small and thin form of the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide are common on the surface of the body that contain many blood vessels. Most Tubifex make tubes in the mud at the bottom, in which part of his body posterior end protruding from the tube moves back and forth while waving actively in the water, resulting in water circulation and worms will get oxygen through the body surface. Vibrations in the posterior part of the body of Tubifex can help respiratory function (Wilmoth, 1967).

Habitat Good For Silk Worms

Tubifex worms are many live in freshwater water is clear and sedikitmengalir. Preferred basic water is muddy and contains bahanorganik. The main food is organic material that has decomposed in basic perairanCacing danmengendap this is one type of bottom-dwelling benthos perairantawar tropical and subtropical regions, live silk worms fresh clear waters and little flow. Preferred basic water is muddy and high in organic matter. The food is primarily organic materials that have been broken down and settles in the bottom waters (Djarijah. 1996).

Nutrient content Silk Worms

If the Betta fish are fed with the silk worms will spur the growth of the fish much faster than other types of natural feed. This is due to the fat and protein content of this worm is quite high. This worm has a content of protein51,9%, karbobidrat 20.3%, 22.3% fat and 5.3% ash material. While the amino acids making up the protein is also complete.

Kandungan  Asam Amino
Kandungan dalam persen (%)

Crude fiber
ash content

From the table above it is clear that the benefits of the silk worms are very good for the growth of betta fish.
See also other post about betta fish : 

Saturday, 20 August 2016

60 The Best Betta Fish Photo Collection

60 The Best Betta Fish Photo Collection